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Jiangsu Changmei Medtech Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013 and specializes in the design, research, and production of all kinds of minimally invasive medical devices, with a particular focus on the kyphoplasty system products, dilation balloon catheter products, and endoscopic products, which are all CE certificated, we have a comprehensive strength from the original design, development to batch production. Our team members have experience and background in different industries in enterprise processes and applications. We cultivate our team with professionalism and pursuit of perfection. Through nearly 10 years of effort, the kyphoplasty balloon catheter already accounts for 80% of the Chinese...
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cyto brushbiopsy forcepu-shape brushcytology brushbiopsy forcepsballoon inflatorballoon catheterzebra guide wirebougie esophagusbougie dilator setdormia basket ercpsurgical guide wirebougie dilator setsforeign body forcepsinflator for balloonpkp balloon catheterkyphoplasty tool kitpkp percutaneous kitstraight shape brushendoscopic guide wiredisposable cyto brushspine surgical devicespinal kyphon balloonkyphon pkp instrumentendoscopic cell brushdisposable endoscopickyphoplasty tool kitskyphoplasty guide wireendoscopic accessoriesstone retrieval basketmedical bougie dilatorbougie dilator set pvckyphon kyphoplasty kitkyphoplasty bone drillhydrophilic guide wiremedical cytology brushspine balloon cathetercurved zebra guide wirestone extraction basketcardia dilation balloonesophageal dilator setspkp kyphoplasty balloonkyphon balloon catheterkyphoplasty tool kit 8gpvc bougie dilator setskyphoplasty pkp balloonstryker kyphoplasty kitmedtronic kypho pkp kitpkp bone cement fillingstone extraction balloonmedical zebra guide wirestone extraction basketsballoon inflation devicekyphoplasty pkp tool kitstorage retrieval systemesophagus bougie dilatorhose-type biopsy forcepsmedical inflation devicepkp kyphoplasty tool kitmedical balloon inflatordisposable biopsy forcepbilliary dilation balloonesophageal bougie dilatorstraight zebra guide wireballoon dilation catheteraccess sheath kyphoplastysurgical zebra guide wiremedtronic kyphoplasty kitdisposable cytology brushbig head stiff guide wireballoon catheter inflatordilation balloon catheterendoscopic cytology brushkyphoplasty pkp tool kitspkp kyphoplasty treatmentorthopedic instrument setpick pliers 4 bar linkageballoon catheter dilationpkp kyphoplasty bone drilldilation balloon catheterspkp pvp system insturmentskyphon balloon kyphoplastymedical bougie dilator pvccatheter balloon inflationflat head stiff guide wiregastroscope biopsy forcepsballoon dilation cathetersmedical bougie dilator setkyphoplasty vertebroplastypvc medical bougie dilatorkyphoplasty pkp guide wirekyphoplasty bone drill bitkyphoplasty instrument setkyphoplasty instrument kitesophageal dilation balloonkyphoplasty instrument kitskyphoplasty instrument setsmedical bougie dilator setsdisposable cytology brushespkp pvp kyphoplasty balloonmedical surgical guide wirekyphoplasty expandor deviceesophageal balloon catheteresophageal balloon dilationercp stone retrieval basketkyphoplasty balloon catheterorthopeadic balloon catheterkyphoplasty surgery tool kitesophagus bougie dilator pvckyphoplasty dilation balloonkyphoplasty balloon inflatordilation balloon kyphoplastyforeign body retrieval basketkyphoplasty balloon catheterswireguided balloon dilatationballoon kyphoplasty tool kitskyphoplasty puncture expandoresophageal bougie dilator setstraight shape cytology brushdisposable dormia basket ercphydrophilic coated guide wireorthopedic minimally invasiveforeign body grasping forcepsdisposable foreign body forcepforeign body forceps rat toothforeign body forceps alligatororthopedic surgical bone drillkyphoplasty pkp pvp instrumentesophageal bougie dilator setsdisposable guide wire for ercpmedical hydrophilic guide wirekyphoplasty surgery instrumentpvc medical bougie dilator setesophagus and cardia expansiondigestive tract biopsy forcepsorthopedic surgical instrumentskyphoplasty bone cement fillingkyphoplasty pkp instrument setscardia 3-stage dilation balloonkyphon kyphoplasty pkp expandorgastrointestinal cytology brushsingle-use foreign body forcepstool kit for spine neurosurgerydisposable foreign body forcepsendoscopic foreign body forcepssingle use foreign body forcepspkp kyphoplasty balloon catheterbiopsy forceps for 1.2mm channelstone retrieval balloon catheterrespiratory tract biopsy forcepsforceps for foreign body removalbiliary stone extraction balloondisposable endoscopic cell brush3-stage biliary dilation balloonkyphon kyphoplasty pkp instrument3-stage dilation balloon catheterpylorus balloon dilation catheterstone extraction balloon 3 lumenskyphoplasty procedure instrumentspercutaneous kyphoplasty tool kitcolonic balloon dilation cathetertool kit for compression fractureminimally invasive pkp instrumentkyphoplasty veterbroplasty systembilliary 3-stage dilation balloonstone retrieval basket oval shapestone extraction balloon for ercpendoscopic stone retrieval basket3-stage balloon dilation catheterendoscopic cytology brush u-shapeforeign body forceps for endoscopykyphoplasty cement filling moldingpercutaneous kyphoplasty tools setendoscopic stone extraction basketpercutaneous kyphoplasty guide wireesophagus balloon dilation catheteresophageal 3-stage balloon catheterdigestive balloon dilation catheterbiopsy forceps alligitor cups 1.0mmhydrophilic curved zebra guide wirepercutaneous kyphoplasty bone drillesophagus dilation balloon catheterpercutaneous kyphoplasty instrumentdigestive tract dilatation catheterhydrophilic coated stiff guide wirestone retrieval basket sprial shapesprial shape stone retrieval basketbiliary balloon dilatation catheterpkp orthopedic surgical instrumentsdisposable endoscopic biopsy forcepsendoscopy accessory 0.035 guide wiredisposable dilation balloon catheterdiamond shape stone retrieval basketkyphoplasty for compression fracturestone retrieval basket diamond shapedisposable endoscopic cytology brushhydrophilic coated curved guide wirestraight shape endoscopic cell brushesophagus balloon dilation catheterssingle use endoscopic cytology brushesophageal balloon dilation cathetersmulti-stage balloon dilation catheterextracting balloons using lithotripsyercp stone retrieval balloon catheterbone drill kyphoplasty instrument setgallstones retrieval balloon catheterrespiratory tract biopsy forceps 1.0mmwireguided balloon dilatation catheterkyphoplasty vertebroplasty instrumentswireguided dilatation balloon catheteresophageal balloon dilatation catheterkyphoplasty spinal surgery instrumentsstone extraction balloon rapid exchangeendoscopic biopsy forceps alligator cupkyphon kyphoplasty spine surgical devicekyphon kyphoplasty spinal instrument setbiopsy forceps for 1.2mm working channelstraight shape endoscopic cytology brushendoscopic cytology brush straight shapeendoscopic biopsy forceps alligitor cupskyphoplasty expandor cannula and mandrelpercutaneous kyphoplasty balloon catheterdisposable foreign body forceps alligatorcompression fracture surgical instrumentskyphoplasty bone cement injection moldingpylorus 3-stage balloon dilation cathetergastroscope biopsy forceps alligitor cupsendoscopic accessories foreign body forcepballoon catheter spine augmentation systemmultistage-stage balloon dilation catheterhigh pressure balloons dilatation catheterhigh pressure dilatation balloons catheterendoscopic accessories foreign body forcepsesophagus 3-stage balloon dilation catheterdigestive 3-stage balloon dilation catheterdisposable stone retrieval balloon catheterdigestive 3-stage dilation balloon catheterradiopaque biliary stone extraction balloonendoscopic biopsy forceps for 1.2mm channelpercutaneous kyphoplasty bone cement fillingendoscopic 3-stage balloon dilation cathetergastrointestinal balloon dilatation catheterrespiratory tract biopsy forceps 1.0mm/1.2mmgastroscope biopsy forceps for 1.2mm channelkyphoplasty vertebroplasty pkp instrument setdisposable stone retrieval dilatation balloonesophagus and cardia expansion bougie dilatorendoscopic accessories stone retrieval basketforeign body forceps rat tooth with alligatorcholedochofiberscope balloon dilation catheterdisposable 1.0/1.2mm endoscopic biopsy forcepskyphoplasty vertebroplasty procedure tool kitsspine surgical kyphoplasty bone cement fillingextracting balloons using lithotripsy 3 lumenskyphon kyphoplasty pkp tools for spinal surgeryguide wire digestive balloon dilation catheterskyphon balloon kyphoplasty surgical instrumentsstone retrieval balloon catheter rapid exchangebiliary stone extraction balloon rapid exchangehigh pressure balloon catheter for interventionstone extraction balloon rapid exchange 3 lumenskyphoplasty vertebroplasty procedure instrumentsminimally invasive percutaneous kyphoplasty tooldisposable wireguided balloon dilatation catheterpvc esophagus and cardia expansion bougie dilatoresophagus and cardia expansion bougie dilator pvcdisposable wireguided balloon dilatation cathetersbougie dilator for esophagus and cardiac stricturerespiratory tract biopsy forceps for 1.2mm channel

Categories and Products

Kyphoplasty System

Endoscopic Accessories

Dilation Balloon Catheter

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