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The video demonstrates the surgical procedures for treating osteoporosis, including PKP and PVP. When osteoporosis occur, the bone of the vertebral bodies can become thinner and more porous, making them very weak. If none-surgical treatments don't work, doctors may recommend either of vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty procedure. After the anesthesia process and assistant breathing equipment wearing has done, the doctor will make small puncture incisions on the back over the fracture vertebro. A puncture device will be inserted through each incision into the fracture vertebral body. The doctor will use a real-time X-ray machine called fluoroscope to guide placement of the puncture device. If you are having a vertebroplasty procedure, the doctor will remove the trocar and then inject bone cement through each cannula to harden and stabilize your fractured vertebral body. If you are having a kyphoplasty procedure, your doctor will first insert a balloon catheter through each cannula before injecting the cement. The balloon on the distal end will be inflated by a balloon inflator to restore the height of your vertebral body. After deflating and removing the balloon catheter, the doctor will fill the space created by the balloon with bone cement. At the end of either procedure, your doctor will remove each cannula and cover the tiny skin punctures with a sterile bandage. Patients may be released from the hospital the same day or within one day after either procedure.
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